Liberals were once the champions of free speech. Conservatives have picked up the mantle and fighting the media’s attempts to destroy it.
The Execution of James Bennet
The circumstances leading to the firing of editor page editor James Bennet make clear that when it comes to dishonesty, intolerance, and creating alternative realities, the New York Times and President Trump are two peas in a pod.
Heroes and Cowards Amid the BLM Protests
Adversity is a test of a person’s courage and character and the Black Lives Matter protests revealed the leaders who were up to the task and those that weren’t. And, of course, there were the shameful.
Twitter’s Ministry of Truth (LOL)
Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey thinks he can regulate truth on his social media site. He’s got a better chance of finding a cure for cancer.
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TV’s Most Memorable Opening Theme Songs
Reminiscing about my favorite TV characters from years past made me nostalgic for the opening theme songs and sequences that preceded popular shows in the 60s and 70s. Producers of these shows put considerable thought and effort producing them. They serve as visual tombstones to the characters that starred in them.
Here are my favorites.
The Medicare 39K Covid-19 Diagnosis Incentive
“Fake news” often contains kernels of truth. Such was the case in a slick video that exploded on social media featuring controversial virologist Judy Mikovits and her damning claims about Covid-19 deaths being exaggerated.
The PC-Correct Pulitzer Prizes
The Pulitzer Prizes awarded yesterday made clear that journalism’s highest awards are given to stories that promote liberal causes. To the delight of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, the Wall Street Journal was robbed.
Hoisting Joe Biden With the Democrat’s Petard
Joe Biden and his media enablers sent a powerful message to women who want to come forward with accusations of sexual misbehavior against powerful politicians: Unless your abuser is a Republican, best to keep your allegations to yourself.
CBS News: The 99 Cents Store Network
A crisis forges great leaders. It also distinguishes great journalists from the wannabes. That’s certainly the case with the novel coronavirus pandemic: The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post are duking it out 24/7 for journalism supremacy, while CBS, ABC, CNN, and NBC are fighting mightily in their race to the bottom.
Commentary includes links to a Journal and a Post story that will so frighten you about the coronavirus that you won’t even dare think about going out or not observing the six feet rule until the pandemic passes.
The Gentle Toughness of Alex Cohen
Chuck Todd, Jim Acosta, and the rest of the White House press corps would do America a great service if they stepped aside and let L.A. anchor Alex Cohen handle Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings. Cohen has the talent, temperament, and temerity to engage Donald Trump and expose truths about the president that would be undeniable even to his longtime supporters. Donald Trump talks tough, but he’s no match for the tattooed roller derby terror infamously known as “Axels of Evil.”