
The Deceptions of NYT’s Truth Czar Tiffany Hsu

Meet Tiffany Hsu, the New York Times tech reporter responsible for covering “misinformation and disinformation.” That makes her the publication’s arbiter of what constitutes truth.

A recent article by Hsu about the supposed rise of Covid misinformation is a case study on how the Times deceives its readers with its preferred narratives.

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Wall Street Journal’s ‘Misinformation’ Mongers

Americans who believe they live in a country with a free and open press are deceiving themselves. LinkedIn last night removed within hours a column I posted that was fast gaining traction. The column was based on a commentary published by Wall Street Journal editorial page writer Allysia Finley, which in turn was based on research published by prominent scientists.

My salute to Paul Gigot, the Journal’s editorial page editor, and his team. They are what’s left of a dying breed of U.S. journalists with the guts and commitment to speak truth to power.

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WSJ’s Allysia Finley Commits Vaccine Blasphemy

I’m compelled to issue a warning linking to my latest commentary: If you have wholeheartedly believed and embraced all the mainstream media’s government approved Covid reporting, this post might be hazardous to your health. Reader discretion is advised.

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A Lesson for Disney from Hallmark’s Wonya Lucas

Reflecting on the lyrics to the “Deck the Hall” Christmas carol last night allowed me to discover the impressive diversity and more inclusive programming the Hallmark cable channel has achieved in the past two years without generating one iota of controversy. Here’s what happens when a corporate CEO quietly implements meaningful change without broadcasting to the world that’s her end game.

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NEW YORK - APRIL 4, 2017: NYU Langone Medical Center Ambulance in midtown Manhattan

The NYTimes’ BS Attack on NYU Langone’s ER

I never imagined I’d come to defend the management of a major U.S. hospital but reading the New York Times’ attempted takedown of NYU Langone’s ER, my sympathies lie with New York’s premier healthcare facility.

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OXFORD, UK - JAN 7 2017: Twitter social network logo with a blank speech bubble

The Twits Who Censored Dr. Jay Bhattacharya

When I think blacklists, I immediately imagine the McCarthy era. But it has been revealed that Twitter’s censors previously maintained blacklists, and among those whose tweets were suppressed was an impeccably credentialed Stanford professor with a medical degree and a PhD.

His sin? Disagreeing with U.S. government pandemic policies.

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Wajahat Ali’s Threats to U.S. Democracy

I’ve come to believe that people who declare themselves the biggest protectors of American democracy too often are the most formidable threats to fair and honest elections. To substantiate this position, I offer you Wajahat Ali, a contributor to the New York Times and MSNBC.

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Why Mainstream Journalists Fear Matt Taibbi

Journalism was once a profession dominated by people who wanted to “comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.” Independent journalist Matt Taibbi still adheres to that principle, which is why the mainstream media wants to take him down.

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