
Joe Biden’s Regulatory Destruction

Americans appreciate first-hand the damage Joe Biden has done to the economy when they buy food and gas or experience shortages of once readily available staples. Not yet understood is the possibly irreversible damage Biden has done to U.S. regulatory agencies.

Under Biden’s watch, CDC has lost all credibility, the FDA its two top vaccine experts, the FTC is experiencing a staff stampede, a senior Justice department official was secretly receiving nearly $1 million from Stanford University, an FCC nomination is moribund, and the NHTSA is underfunded.

Biden’s only been on the job for 19 months. Imagine the regulatory state of America if Biden remains in office for a full term.

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Gretchen Whitmer Played WaPo for Fools

Michigan governor played Washington Post reporter Ruby Cramer for a fool. What’s troubling is the Post recently declared Cramer as one of her generation’s “dynamic talents.”

Here’s another example of why Americans shouldn’t make political determinations and judgements based on what they read in the legacy media.

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Elon Musk: His Word Isn’t His Bond

A man’s word was once his bond. In walking away from his previously unconditional commitment to acquire Twitter, Elon Musk has demonstrated that character in business no longer matters.

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DeSantis to WaPo: Kish Mir in Tuchas

The Washington Post posted a profile this morning about Florida governor Ron DeSantis, who declined to speak with the once nationally respected publication. Here’s why DeSantis’ diss was a watershed moment in American politics and journalism.
An added bonus is an opportunity to learn a once popular Yiddish expression.

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The Media’s Takedown of Elon Musk

The media is out to take down Elon Musk, and last week they demonstrated how low they’re willing to go. Here’s why Americans must draw a line in the sand and show zero tolerance for the media’s dishonest and puerile agenda.

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Text sign showing Challenge. Business photo showcasing process of provoking or testing physiological activity by exposure Extracted blood sample vial with medical accessories ready for examination

Dr. Mary, Quite Contrary, Bowden

Dr. Mary Talley Bowden, the Houston ENT doc who dared challenge the government, the medical establishment, and the media with her refusal to stop prescribing a controversial drug, has a formidable legal ally hoping to turn her defiance into a landmark legal ruling. His name is Boyden Gray, and his myriad accomplishments include serving as White House Counsel to President George H.W. Bush and spearheading significant clean energy legislation.

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KIEV, UKRAINE - NOV 21, 2014:  Vice President of USA Joe Biden during a meeting with President of Ukraine  Petro Poroshenko in Kiev

Elon Musk’s Just Disdain for Joe Biden

Until this past weekend, I was appalled by Elon Musk’s public disparagement of President Biden. But after Biden’s belittlement of the entrepreneur’s space exploration efforts and the president’s false representations of Ford Motor Co., I’ve come to appreciate Musk’s willingness to publicly articulate what most Americans are thinking.

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Geppetto`s house with Pinocchio on the table setup in Disneystore located at Shibuya, Tokyo

Liar, Liar, Ford’s On Fire

Given the ethical state of the legacy media these days, it comes as no surprise that Ford’s $19.2 million multistate settlement for deceptive advertising was mostly ignored. Here’s why the settlement was a very big deal.

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Research laboratory. Interior of a modern chemical and biological research laboratory.

The Canceling of Dr. David Sabatini

A story by an intrepid young reporter named Suzy Weiss about the cancellation of Dr. David Sabitini should serve as a Rosa Parks moment in combating the cancer of cancel culture. The cancer reference is especially apropos because Sabatini was possibly well on his way to finding a cure for the disease but now finds himself unemployed and without purpose.

Weiss made a compelling case that Sabitini got a raw deal. Regardless, the allegations against him didn’t merit canceling a gifted scientist who many believe was destined for a Nobel Prize.

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Skyscrapers at Detroit United state of America.

Rashida Tlaib’s Jew Hating Hurts Michigan

Michigan is in the midst of a major leadership crisis. The state can’t attract major investments — Tennessee, Kentucky, Ohio, and Indiana have all feasted on Michigan’s manufacturing lunch. Much of the blame rests with Gov. Gretchen Whitmer but Rep. Rashida Tlaib is also part of the problem.

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