Some thoughts on the less than Six Degrees of Separation between Hollywood’s striking workers and the workers at GM’s Ohio electric battery plant.
America’s Banking Code of “Ethics”
Reading up on the latest wrongdoing in U.S. banking and finance I was struck just how much the industry has changed since the days of Milburn Drysdale of Beverly Hillbillies fame.
By today’s banking standards, Drysdale was an upstanding executive.
Backstabbers Shall Inherit the Executive Suite
Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth, but he never held a corporate job. Those looking to run major U.S. businesses shouldn’t look to Jesus for career advice.
Celebrating JPMorgan Chase’s Unsung Heroes
Some thoughts on the conscientious objectors at JPMorgan Chase who expressed concerns about doing business with Jeffrey Epstein; GM CEO Mary Barra’s plans to continue damaging the climate for more than a decade; another reason to buy a Tesla if you live in Los Angeles; and a 1995 Bud Light commercial that would spark outrage today.
The Litigators Who Slayed Chase’s Jamie Dimon
Meet the relentless litigators who forced JPMorgan Chase to settle for $290 million allegations that America’s biggest bank helped facilitate convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s activities. The settlement came just days after Chase CEO Jamie Dimon was deposed.
Transgender “Champ” Lia Thomas’ Narcissism
Some thoughts on transgender woman swimmer Lia Thomas and a joint promotion Bud Light and Target might want to consider.
Hillary Clinton Undermined America’s Democracy
A critical revelation in the 305-page report issued by special prosecutor John Durham this week was that those who shouted the loudest Donald Trump was a major threat to America’s Democracy were the ones Americans should most fear.
Donald Trump’s Gourmet Filet-O-Kaitlin Collins
Just as children shouldn’t play with matches, a news network shouldn’t place an inexperienced anchor in the interview ring with Donald Trump.
Remembering My Uncle Davey
My Uncle Davey died last week, just weeks shy of his 99th birthday. He lived an active and vibrant life almost till the day he died.
Here’s the secret to his longevity.
CEO Hall of Shame: Andi Owen & James Clarke
Social media was aghast last week as leaked videos of Zoom calls revealed the lack of empathy the CEOs of MillerKnoll and Clearlink showed their employees. Observers uniformly blamed the disparity of CEO pay for the insensitivity, but research shows that lack of empathy is among the psychopathic traits that land CEOs their corner offices.