Meet Dr. Mary Bowden, the Houston ENT doc willing to brave the government, the medical establishment, and a hostile media to practice medicine and treat covid patients as she sees fit.
Google Maps & Justin Trudeau’s Media Brownshirts
Hitler had the Brownshirts, who were responsible for the intimidation of his political opponents. Justin Trudeau and his deputy Chrystia Freeland have Google Maps and the Canadian media, which glosses over their ties to George Soros, the controversial billionaire hedge fund investor.
Why Canadians Should Fear Their Own Media
Journalists have traditionally considered it their responsibility to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. Many Canadian journalists, some of them friends, supporters, and former colleagues of Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland, prefer to support and promote their government’s fascist objectives.
Canadian Leader Chrystia Freeland’s Nazi Links
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has dismissed Canadian protesters and those who support them as a fringe group of Nazi and racist sympathizers. That included Melissa Lantsman, the first Jewish member of Canada’s Conservative Party and a descendant of Holocaust survivors.
If Trudeau is genuinely concerned about those who sympathize with swastikas and are looking to undermine Democracy, he should consider looking on his side of Parliament.
Why America Needs Higher Gas Prices
President Biden promised on Monday “to work like the devil” to bring down gas prices, but he’s mistaken. America’s working-class people need to do more to facilitate the transfer of wealth to America’s one percent. At the end of the day, America’s electric vehicle policies are designed to do just that.
Please allow me to explain why.
The Dangerous Arrogance of Justin Trudeau
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is deserving of sympathy. He inherited the arrogance of his father, former PM Pierre Elliott Trudeau, but not his father’s intellect. Arrogance without intellect is dangerous for someone in a position of considerable power and authority.
The entire world is witnessing just how dangerous.
Ron DeSantis’ Must See TV
The corporate media would be wise to lay off Florida governor Ron DeSantis. He’s capable of landing a knock-out blow to their already badly battered reputation and I’m not alone hoping he delivers it.
Ohio: Where Grown Ups Rule The Roost
It’s challenging to find inspiring and effective political leaders in the U.S. these days – unless, of course, you live in Ohio.
America’s Suffering Nurses Revisited
America’s nurses are suffering. A study released earlier this year revealed that nurses are 18% more likely to commit suicide than the general population. A trade publication this week estimated that one in ten nurses may have a substance abuse order.
Little wonder that an American Nurses Foundation survey in October revealed that 21 percent of U.S. nurses planned to quit the profession within six months and 29 percent were entertaining the thought.
America is already experiencing a severe nursing shortage, and the consequences of losing half the profession is beyond comprehension. America’s political leaders must take up the cause and protect the country from the greed and mismanagement of the American Hospital Association and its members.
Maine is an example of how hospital safety improves when political leaders stand in solidarity with nurses.
AOC & Her Jew-Hating Squad Allies
My New Year’s resolution is to be fearless calling out the mounting Jew hatred in America and around the world. This is my first installment.