Unless you live in Ontario, Canada, getting caught in a lie or other forms of dishonesty doesn’t have the consequences it once did. In journalism, it’s possibly a career booster.
California’s Inept Pandemic Response
I’m no Dr. Fauci, but it seems obvious why Los Angeles is faring so badly from the Covid pandemic.
The S&P vs. BLM
The Wall Street Journal’s home page this morning inadvertently highlighted with stark clarity America’s wealth divide. Regardless of who wins the election, the chasm will most definitely widen.
The lawn signs suggest that my west Los Angeles neighborhood is among the most liberal in the nation. Yet no one apologizes for their white privilege when someone steals their Prius catalytic convertor.
Here’s why L.A. is destined to become another San Francisco, where property crime is so out of hand that Walgreens is closing once profitable stores because it no longer can protect its merchandise.
The Entitlement Myth of Nonprofits
Nonprofit companies prey on the public’s mistaken belief they are altruistic organizations doing God’s work. Much too often, they are merely legal tax dodge schemes. Some, like Consumer Reports, engage in business practices they purport to oppose.
Why Ohio State Trumps Michigan
In a democracy, people get the leaders they deserve. Michigan residents should be asking themselves why Ohioans are so much more deserving of great leadership. President Trump has an opportunity to capitalize on the failure of Michigan’s Whitmer and Nessel to investigate their state’s biggest health care network.
Kamala Harris’ Defense of Police Brutality
Given the national furor over the excessive police force, it’s a wonder that Kamala Harris is rumored among Joe Biden’s top picks for a running mate. Harris once prosecuted a mentally ill woman who was severely injured in a police encounter. She also refused to prosecute a corrupt California utility whose negligence resulted in eight deaths and the decimation of an entire neighborhood.
The Liberalism of Conservatism
Liberals were once the champions of free speech. Conservatives have picked up the mantle and fighting the media’s attempts to destroy it.
The Execution of James Bennet
The circumstances leading to the firing of editor page editor James Bennet make clear that when it comes to dishonesty, intolerance, and creating alternative realities, the New York Times and President Trump are two peas in a pod.
Elaine Luria for (Vice) President
If you know who AOC is and are unfamiliar with the accomplishments of Elaine Luria, I’ve proven my case as to why America can no longer allow Twitter and the media to dominate the country’s political discourse.