Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth, but he never held a corporate job. Those looking to run major U.S. businesses shouldn’t look to Jesus for career advice.

Jesus said the meek shall inherit the earth, but he never held a corporate job. Those looking to run major U.S. businesses shouldn’t look to Jesus for career advice.
Some thoughts on the conscientious objectors at JPMorgan Chase who expressed concerns about doing business with Jeffrey Epstein; GM CEO Mary Barra’s plans to continue damaging the climate for more than a decade; another reason to buy a Tesla if you live in Los Angeles; and a 1995 Bud Light commercial that would spark outrage today.
Meet the relentless litigators who forced JPMorgan Chase to settle for $290 million allegations that America’s biggest bank helped facilitate convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s activities. The settlement came just days after Chase CEO Jamie Dimon was deposed.
June 11, 2023 — Business, Technology
I’ve long been someone who viewed the world differently, but never have I been so out of step with conventional wisdom than with my critical view that China has put America’s political and automotive leadership to shame.
June 4, 2023 — Business
Reading up on legendary ad man Bill Backer made me appreciate the marketing disgraces of Bud Light and Miller Lite. From what I’ve read about Backer, he’d have issues working on Ford Motor’s Co.’s account today.
Some thoughts on why Democracy in the U.S. shines brighter for the one percent; how Ford Motor Co. can leverage its legal prowess; and beware of the fire dangers of a Ford truck and a Jaguar electric SUV parked alongside each other.
May 31, 2023 — Business, Technology
Many Americans choose Chase because they perceive America’s biggest bank as the safest place to park their money. Here’s some information about legions of people across the U.S. who learned the hard way that’s not necessarily the case.
May 30, 2023 — Fitness
As a lifelong weight training buff who took up the activity when it was relegated to dingy, unventilated rooms reeking of body odor, it was quite the thrill to see the athlete who popularized the sport while training at the legendary gym he made famous.
Allow me a few minutes of your time and I’ll pump you up.
May 28, 2023 — Business, Technology
This won’t come as a surprise to those who appreciate that Elon Musk is ethically challenged: A German publication received reams of data from a whistleblower that revealed customer complaints about Tesla’s self-driving Autopilot technology allegedly are far more extensive than regulators and critics are possibly aware.
Tesla has a strategy to ensure these complaints don’t find their way into lawsuits.
May 26, 2023 — Business, Technology
Sorry to be a spoilsport, but Ford’s ballyhooed announcement that buyers of its electric vehicles will have partial access to Tesla’s Supercharger network is yet another reminder of the sorry state of America’s once proud and mighty automakers.