Why I will never again drink a can of chocolate Ensure.
Celebrating Christmas 2020 – Twice
The pandemic has wreaked havoc in people’s ability to keep track of time. In my case, I mistakenly celebrated Christmas yesterday.
MacKenzie Scott: America’s Sexiest Woman
It’s unfortunate if you readily know who Kim Kardashian is and aren’t instantly familiar with the exploits of MacKenzie Scott.
In Praise of Fidelity Investments
My argument as to why Fidelity Investments ranks among America’s most extraordinary companies.
The Slaughtering of Merrill Lynch’s Bulls
The media did investors a great disservice not picking up CNBC’s Scott Cohn story about the $24.5 million Merrill Lynch was forced to pay former New Hampshire governor Craig Benson for allegedly unauthorized trading in his account. The settlement serves as yet another painful reminder how badly Bank of America sullied what was once one of America’s greatest brands.
Dana Nessel’s Christmas Offensive
Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel doesn’t speak for all Jews in taking offence to being wished a Merry Christmas. Nessel’s histrionics distracts from her shameful incompetence and ineffectiveness.
Why I Pity Woke Journalists
I recently learned that the Toronto Star, far-and-away the best place I ever worked, has been overrun with woke journalists. My initial reaction was anger. Upon further reflection, I came to feel sorry for them.
The S&P vs. BLM
The Wall Street Journal’s home page this morning inadvertently highlighted with stark clarity America’s wealth divide. Regardless of who wins the election, the chasm will most definitely widen.
The lawn signs suggest that my west Los Angeles neighborhood is among the most liberal in the nation. Yet no one apologizes for their white privilege when someone steals their Prius catalytic convertor.
Here’s why L.A. is destined to become another San Francisco, where property crime is so out of hand that Walgreens is closing once profitable stores because it no longer can protect its merchandise.
Trevor Milton’s Wall Street Fools
The rise and fall (and possible rise again) of Nikola Corp., an aspiring electric truck company with imaginary products and virtually no revenues, exemplifies the “Greater Fool Theory” and explains why knowledgeable market insiders like CNBC’s Jim Cramer dismiss retail investors as “dumb money.”