If a Pulitzer Prize was awarded to the reporter who most rallied Donald Trump’s supporters, Washington Post’s Rachael Bade would be the journalist to beat.

December 24, 2019 — Media
If a Pulitzer Prize was awarded to the reporter who most rallied Donald Trump’s supporters, Washington Post’s Rachael Bade would be the journalist to beat.
December 22, 2019 — Politics, Technology, Travel
My commentary in support and solidarity with the countless Air Canada passengers in 222 cities on six continents who found themselves in travel hell these past few weeks. Maybe it’s time Canadians rebelled against corporate monopolies that exploit their tolerance and good nature.
New York Times readers say the Trump presidency has impaired their health, including a New Jersey woman who blames Trump for her 20-pound weight gain and her inability to focus on anything but voter turnout. A Columbia University sociologist has quantified why Times readers are so distraught, and the Justice Department’s inspector general last week confirmed the Times and other major media published “fake news.” Some tips to avoid the Times’ carefully honed digital ensnarement.
December 12, 2019 — Media
Reporters are doing Donald Trump proud with their dishonest attempts to smear and discredit Clint Eastwood’s upcoming movie dramatizing one of the biggest debacles in journalism history. Here’s why Eastwood has performed a great public service, and how the Atlanta Journal-Constitution’s choice of attorney makes a mockery of the media’s supposed embracement of the #MeToo movement.
December 10, 2019 — Lifestyle
This month marks the fourth anniversary of my relocation to Los Angeles, a city I long romanticized after boarding a flight on a frigid Michigan morning years ago and walking around a few hours later in balmy 70-degree weather. Visiting the City of Angels is a lot more pleasant than living here.
November 28, 2019 — People
Today being Thanksgiving, I thought I’d give public acknowledgment and thanks to the dozens of individuals who routinely enhance my life and make my daily grind more enjoyable.
When it came to my primary healthcare, I had a charmed life during my time in New York and San Francisco. In New York, where I lived for more than 20 years, my primary care doctor was Harry Lodge, a distinguished Columbia medical school professor, a best-selling author, and the…
If you can judge a person by the company they keep, it speaks volumes that President Trump surrounds himself with people who want to undermine or destroy him. From the moment Trump stepped foot in the White House, there has been a continuous stream of media leaks from anonymous aides…
Congressional hearings of CEOs under fire make for great television, but that’s pretty much all they are good for. My favorite inquisitor is California’s Katie Porter, whose takedown of Equifax CEO Mark Begor was such a delight I’ve watched it multiple times. Begor is still Equifax’s CEO. This week it…
October 21, 2019 — Business
Even before I learned about Ken Fisher’s crudeness and disregard for the lessons of the #MeToo movement, I’d have nothing to do with his eponymous firm. For seemingly forever, Fisher Investments has been junking up my mailbox with slick flyers touting the founder’s investment prowess. When it comes to money…