SHENZHEN, CHINA - APRIL 09, 2019: Coastal Cinema sign over entrance to movie theater at Coastal City shopping mall in Shenzhen.

‘Don’t Say Gay’ to China’s Xi Jinping

Underscoring how America’s establishment media seeks to distract the country from the broader issues threatening the country, the Washington Post today posted a story headlined, “DeSantis takes on Disney in a culture was with national implications.”

No, the real culture war is with China. Thanks to Hollywood, America has already surrendered.

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A black hearse on a cemetery in the autumn

Private Equity’s Devaluation of U.S. Lives

The U.S. Constitution guarantees “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness.” Private equity firms are increasingly denying Americans their inalienable rights.

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Aerial view of Davos in Winter with snow covered roofs and the Alps, Canton of Grisons, Switzerland.

Peter Goodman’s Davos Man Rage

Although marred by his politics and blind faith in government, Peter Goodman’s book “Davos Man” is a guaranteed delight for those who are angered about the growing disparity of wealth in America and around the world. Widespread understanding of Goodman’s core message is the requisite first step making towards making the world a better place.
Buy the book and you’ll gain some valuable insight about the business practices of Salesforce’s Marc Benioff, BlackRock’s Larry Fink, JP Morgan Chase’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman, and Amazon’s Jeff Bezos.

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NEW YORK - DECEMBER 19, 2017: Fox News Channel at the News Corporation headquarters building in New York City. News Corporation is an American diversified multinational mass media corporation

The Ratings Defiance of Fox News

SNL’s cold open this past weekend again mocked Fox News and the network’s hosts. But Fox News is having the last laugh – in the first quarter of the year, Fox News eked out a three percent primetime audience gain, while MSNBC and CNN lost about half their audiences.

Those who despise Fox News and its politics would be wise to consider why the network possibly has more primetime viewers than MSNBC and CNN combined.

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Barcelona, Spain. Jan 2019: Man holds a remote control With Netflix, HBO and the new Disney+ logos on TV screen. Disney+ is an online video streaming subscription service, set to launch in the US in September.Illustrative editorial

Why Disney Plus Can’t Stream “Midnight Cowboy”

Reading that Disney plans to stream its first R-rated film this month made me wonder why the entertainment company doesn’t go whole hog shedding its former family entertainment image and stream “Midnight Cowboy,” the only X-rated film to win an Oscar. Unfortunately, the stars of that movie are persona non grata in Hollywood.

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Main Street and Cinderella Castle in Magic Kingdom, Florida

Miley Cyrus and Disney’s Changed “Family Values”

Such is the bizarro world we live in. Whoever thought we’d see the day when Disney advocated the sexualization of children and celebrities calling out the hypocrisy of Hollywood?

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A liar business man and financial advisor

The Perils of Corporate Lying and Deception

Google, Amazon, Microsoft, the folks running the Oscars, and some Deutsche Bank bankers in New York have stepped up to reinforce the wisdom of an adage children of my generation were once taught: Honesty is the best policy.

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Celebrity on red carpet with photographer

My Brushes with Celebrities

The questionable behavior of Will Smith got me thinking about the many celebrities I’ve met in my lifetime. With only one exception, every encounter was pleasurable, and fortunately none resulted in violence.

Please join me on my trip down celebrity memory lane.

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