If you are fed up with the cost and quality of U.S. healthcare, here’s why you should support the ousting of Senators Bill Cassidy, (R-La), and Mark Kelly (D-Ariz), Reps. David McKinley (R-W.Va) and Doris Matsui (D-Calif), along with Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer and AG Dana Nessel.
Thanks For Vanquished Vaccine Critics
Among the things I’m grateful for this American Thanksgiving are the brave doctors and other qualified professionals who braved online banishment for daring to speak truth to power. Orwell is proving to be an optimist.
Keep Your SSN To Yourself
Here’s why you should never provide a hospital or other healthcare provider with your social security number and other personal information they don’t require.
Elon Musk’s Teflon Tesla
Elon Musk walks on water with Wall Street and Tesla owners. Here’s why I’m hoping RJ Scaringe kicks his butt.
In Praise of In-N-Out Burger
Most U.S. companies pay lip service to how much they care about their employees and customers. The In-N-Out burger chain is one of the few I know of that really means it.
Living My Detroit Radio Dream
On Friday, November 12, I will be living, perhaps briefly, my longtime dream of being a Detroit radio host. If my audition goes well, here’s why my dream will quickly become the healthcare industry’s worst nightmare.
When Hospitals Kill People
A Kaiser Health News investigation revealed that more than 10,000 patients were diagnosed with Covid last year after being admitted for another condition. Just over 2,000 died between April and September. While the findings are alarming, even more alarming are the tens of thousands of patients who die every year at U.S. hospitals because of hospital acquired infections.
And 2020 was a disturbingly banner year.
An Alarming Expose on Pfizer’s Vaccine Trials
Call me old fashioned, but when a former investigator for the U.S. Senate Finance Committee specializing in corruption in science and medicine publishes an expose in a respected medical journal questioning the integrity of some of Pfizer’s pivotal vaccine trials, I consider it BIG news. The expose is even more compelling given that more than a year ago the writer questioned the integrity of the Trump appointee overseeing Operation Warp Speed.
The Chutzpa of the American Hospital Association
Apologies in advance, but I needed to resort to a couple of Yiddish words to adequately capture the audacity of the American Hospital Association accusing nurse staffing companies of improperly profiting from the pandemic. The nurse staffing business is booming because they pay nurses higher wages and guarantee better working conditions than AHA member hospitals, who long exploited nurses and ignored their patient safety concerns.
Nurse staffing companies overwhelmingly are run by entrepreneurial nurses like LeQuitha Simmons, a former army vet who served in Iraq and understands the law of supply and demand. Simmons isn’t an enemy of U.S. healthcare. The AHA is.
Why Michiganders Settle For Blue Mugs
Veteran Michigan journalist Micheline Maynard recently opined American consumers are too spoiled and need to accept and embrace lower standards. That mindset is why Michigan is possibly on an irreversible decline and Christmas this year arrived early in Tennessee.