She’s back! Eighteen months after a damning report revealing that Sheryl Sandberg was a ruthless executive ultimately responsible for smearing a prominent Facebook critic and Holocaust survivor with false accusations of anti-Semitism, Sandberg is again fashioning herself as a feminist activist and promoting a dubious Facebook small business program. These are good “make work” activities because indications are Sandberg has quietly been shunted aside.
Ten Things that Really Piss Me Off
Today marks my second month anniversary of home captivity. I’m tired and cranky. Doing nothing is quite exhausting.
We Californians pride ourselves on being in touch with our feelings, so I’m sharing with the world my list of everyday petty annoyances, including being the Rodney Dangerfield of LinkedIn.
The Medicare 39K Covid-19 Diagnosis Incentive
“Fake news” often contains kernels of truth. Such was the case in a slick video that exploded on social media featuring controversial virologist Judy Mikovits and her damning claims about Covid-19 deaths being exaggerated.
Tim Bray, Chris Smalls, and Amazon’s Hollow Soul
Do the names Tim Bray and Christian Smalls mean anything to you? If you’re concerned about the pervasiveness of corporate wrongdoing and the widespread toadyism that enables it, they should.
Showing Meaningful Support for Covid-19 Heroes
Lots of lip service is being paid hailing frontline health care and retail workers as heroes for risking their lives and working during the Covid pandemic. But talk is cheap and as 9-11 rescue workers know, the public has a short memory. Here’s some initiatives that could really make some noise.
The PC-Correct Pulitzer Prizes
The Pulitzer Prizes awarded yesterday made clear that journalism’s highest awards are given to stories that promote liberal causes. To the delight of Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, the Wall Street Journal was robbed.
Hoisting Joe Biden With the Democrat’s Petard
Joe Biden and his media enablers sent a powerful message to women who want to come forward with accusations of sexual misbehavior against powerful politicians: Unless your abuser is a Republican, best to keep your allegations to yourself.
Exclusive: Donald Trump’s Chug N Clean Disinfectant
Donald Trump once again is about to show the world why he considers himself a “stable genius.”
Why You Should Boycott Ruth’s Chris Steak House
The Payroll Protection Program was intended to bail out small businesses, the lifeblood of the American economy. Instead, money was used to protect investors of publicly traded restaurant chains, including one whose entrées most Americans can’t afford. The obscene use of funds will contribute to an American dental pandemic. Allow me to explain.
The Identity Politics of West L.A.
Walking my dog in my West L.A. neighborhood this glorious morning I got to thinking about the presumed Republican in our midst.