Chuck Todd, Jim Acosta, and the rest of the White House press corps would do America a great service if they stepped aside and let L.A. anchor Alex Cohen handle Donald Trump’s daily coronavirus briefings. Cohen has the talent, temperament, and temerity to engage Donald Trump and expose truths about the president that would be undeniable even to his longtime supporters. Donald Trump talks tough, but he’s no match for the tattooed roller derby terror infamously known as “Axels of Evil.”
Donald Trump’s Admission of Failure
While many journalists on Saturday were suffering bees in their bonnets because President Trump was disrespectful to NBC correspondent Peter Alexander, veteran Wall Street Journal reporter Jacob Schlesinger was busy reporting out the story White House correspondents have coveted for years but didn’t appreciate was out there: Donald Trump’s admission of failure.
Joe Biden and the Comcast Peacock
Even in the midst of a global pandemic, some journalists still want to make themselves the story. NBC correspondent Peter Alexander has called attention to himself so it’s fair game to shed some light on the compromised network he works for.
America’s Ensuing Mental Health Pandemic
It’s tragic and necessary but the measures required to prevent the spread of the coronavirus are going to kill more Americans than the disease itself.
Serving the Airlines their Just Peanuts
U.S. airlines are reportedly negotiating a $50 billion bailout with the Trump Administration. I say: Let them eat the stale, salted peanuts they deserve.
ABC News’s Mickey Mouse Musketeers
Journalists are supposed to speak truth to power. They are admirably relentless when it comes to taking on political leaders and advocating the PC-correct causes they passionately believe in. But when it comes to speaking out against institutional wrongdoing within their own organizations or challenging the leadership that oversees them, too often they become meek little lambs. The “journalists” at ABC News are a case in point.
Bernie Sanders and his BDS Supporters
Israel is on the verge of developing the first vaccine against the novel coronavirus. If Bernie Sanders’s biggest supporters had their way, U.S. pharmaceutical companies would be prohibited from licensing it.
My Mistaken Awe of Michael Bloomberg
Why I’m saddened to support Michael Bloomberg.
Why the Media Should Fear Bernie Sanders
Bernie Sanders’ emergence as the Democratic frontrunner is yet another blow to the media’s credibility. What should have journalists running scared is that Trump and Sanders supporters share a common disdain for the media, and they have fared quite well despite negative coverage. If Mike Bloomberg and his people don’t quickly learn from the example, they likely are headed for defeat.
The Selfishness of Airplane Seat Decliners
People who recline their seats on airplanes say their behavior is justified because airlines allow the practice. Here’s my explanation: They’re just plain selfish.