
Hamas Barbarians Play Biased Media for Fools

The mainstream media, particularly the New York Times, should be ashamed and doing some serious soul searching.

Rest assured, they aren’t.

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“The Donald” vs. “Comrade Bernie” MI Showdown

If Donald Trump makes good on his plans to visit Detroit next week to schmooze striking auto workers, he will be facing Sen. Bernie Sanders’ formidable UAW surrogates and Ford Motor Co., a corporation that openly supports keeping him out of office.

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Grand Rapids, MI, has long had an outsized influence on America. It is my hope the city’s residents will make a national example of their NBC affiliate and boycott the station until anchor Michele DeSelms apologizes for unfairly dissing them as hate mongers who support gay discrimination.

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Hillary Clinton Undermined America’s Democracy

A critical revelation in the 305-page report issued by special prosecutor John Durham this week was that those who shouted the loudest Donald Trump was a major threat to America’s Democracy were the ones Americans should most fear.

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Donald Trump’s Gourmet Filet-O-Kaitlin Collins

Just as children shouldn’t play with matches, a news network shouldn’t place an inexperienced anchor in the interview ring with Donald Trump.

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Kristen Go and the Cancer of Woke Journalism

CalMatters is a publication that I perceive strives to report fairly and without bias. Here’s why I’m alarmed the nonprofit has tapped a veteran top editor from Gannett’s USA Today.

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WaPo: Where Democracy Dies in Deceptions

The mainstream media has developed a new genre of reporting which I’ve dubbed Winston journalism, a reference to Orwell’s “1984” character whose job at Oceania’s Ministry of Truth was to turn lies into truths and truths into lies. The Washington Post has turned Winston journalism into an art form, with writers Glenn Kessler, Taylor Lorenz, and Phil Bump among the best practitioners, but opinion economics columnist Catherine Rampell is indisputably the grande dame of the genre.

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Soros, Cohen, Win Bigly Ignoring Media Wisdom

The smartest money on Wall Street bet big against the mistaken Tesla wisdom the U.S. business media and some investment “experts” peddled in last year’s fourth quarter.

The legacy media’s reporting on America’s legacy automakers is pretty shameful. They deserve each other.

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