China’s Deserved Electric Vehicles Supremacy

President Biden recently slimed China’s communist government and its automotive industry entrepreneurs with a false accusation they achieved their EV supremacy because they cheated. In fact, China achieved its EV supremacy because that country’s communist government is run by bureaucrats who run circles around the Biden Administration’s energy and transportation officials and its EV automotive leaders put GM’s and Ford’s to shame.

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UAW’s Embrace and Promotion of Antisemitism

Critics of President Biden’s decision to halt weapons shipments to Israel say he was kowtowing to the antisemitic supporters of the Democratic Party. Among the most die-hard antisemitic supporters is the UAW, whose endorsement Biden coveted and ultimately received.

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California Profits From Michigan’s Decline

Michigan has been on a downward trajectory for many years. GM CEO Mary Barra just drove another nail in her state’s economic coffin and reaffirmed that news of California’s technology leadership death is greatly exaggerated.

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The Ties That Bind Google and UAW Workers

Google was long hailed as the gold standard of what was once known as HR management. It’s telling how much in common Google employees share with UAW autoworkers these days, including some similarities that are very unflattering.

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Ford University: Higher Ed for Auto Sales & Service

Determining how best to harness and apply AI is all the rage these days, and CEOs are paid the big bucks because of their supposedly superior smarts to figure it out. At Ford, whose CEO Jim Farley received more than $60 million in compensation these past three years, the company plans to use AI to create Hollywood quality “edutainment” videos that it hopes will steal viewers from Netflix and Amazon and bolster the sales and service capabilities of its dealerships.

Let’s just say I’m a tad skeptical.

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President Biden’s Miserably Failing EV Transition

If American taxpayers had even an inkling of the ineptitude of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and the billions they are squandering, President Biden would be forced to immediately fire the cabinet members he’s entrusted to oversee his EV ambitions and dreams.

The linked commentary is intended to sound the alarm in wake of Elon Musk’s bizarro decision to fire Tesla’s 500-person A-list team responsible for the care and feeding of the EV maker’s vaunted Supercharging network.

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DOJ’s McKinsey Criminal Probe (LHOL)

The Wall Street Journal recently reported an “exclusive” story that the Justice Department is investigating McKinsey & Co. for its opioids consulting work. Here’s why the story reflects poorly on the Journal and the Department of Justice.

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