Shawn Fain’s UAW: America’s Union Disgrace

Given developments and alarming disclosures this week that reflect poorly on UAW president Shawn Fain, workers would be wise to steer clear of the union under his leadership.

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Beware of CVS-Branded Over-the-Counter Drugs!

Reading Bloomberg’s frightening analysis of CVS-branded medicines, I’m opting to pay more for name brand OTC drugs. My guess is that if you become aware of Bloomberg’s findings, so will you.

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Money tree with banknotes in pot among desert. Mixed media

Joe Biden’s Mockery of Climate Change Warnings

It’s a wonder how any thinking person could take President Biden’s warnings about climate change seriously and his supposedly unwavering commitment to save the planet.

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On Seeing Some Good in Walmart’s Evil

Like many Americans, I long viewed Walmart as pure evil. Under the decade-long leadership of CEO Doug McMillon, the company has undergone considerable reform. Comparatively speaking, McMillon deserved the $27 million he was paid last year.

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The Sad and Soulless Starbucks Experience

If someone set out to create the most inefficient and unpleasant coffee buying experience possible, I’m doubtful they could surpass what Starbucks CEO Laxman Narasimhan has achieved.

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4 Must See Comedy Videos With Brilliant Insights

Great comedy often features brilliant insights, so I thought I’d share some videos providing valuable perspectives on Vice President Kamala Harris, America’s pro-Palestinian campus protesters, and the hypocrisy of Hollywood.

The post also features a podcast interview with Columbia student Marie Adele Grosso, who was among the Columbia encampment students arrested and was previously featured in the New York Times. An opportunity to see and hear for yourself the wisdom and knowledge of a college pro-Palestinian protester.

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New York Times: All the Adultery That’s Fit to Print

The New York Times’ damning takedown of Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., revealed as much about the former newspaper of record’s institutional character as it did about Shanahan’s.

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