The White Privilege of Columbia’s Jew Haters

Watching the videos of the Columbia University protesters these past few days I wondered how these students gained admission to a supposedly prestigious university. Here’s some insight about the backgrounds of some of them and what they share in common.

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Boeing’s Shameful PR Shuck and Jive

The U.S. media is failing the U.S. public with its lame coverage of Boeing’s implosion, serving as stenographers for the troubled company’s PR spin. Hard as it might be to believe, two decades ago the media aggressively pursued and questioned corporate wrongdoing and celebrated the brave souls who dared to call it out.

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NPR’s Lily-White Audience Despite DEI Hires

In the minds of the leaders overseeing America’s mainstream media outlets, all is well, and they are mighty proud of the journalism responsible for the credibility decline of their organizations.
Edith Chapin, NPR’s chief news executive, serves as a poster person for the leadership delusions.

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A Tale of Two Awesome Real Estate Brokers

Real estate brokers have a bad rap, and legions of critics say they aren’t deserving of their hefty commissions. That’s true of many, if not most, brokers but there are some who are worth their weights in gold.

Here’s a story about two of them, one in New York City and one in San Francisco, and why a person who buys real estate without the counsel of a seasoned broker has a fool for a client.

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Ford: America’s No. 1 Corporate Deadbeat

Ford pays its top executives more than it pays in taxes and is the third biggest moocher of taxpayer monies. Not what one would expect from a company that claims it’s “All In On America.”

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Powell Miller Looks to Right GM’s Privacy Wrongs

Michigan attorney E. Powell Miller is a litigator many companies learn the hard way not to mess with. GM CEO Mary Barra is poised to discover the reasons why.

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Dr. Mary Talley Bowden’s FDA Triumph

The FDA thought it was very clever three years ago maligning a drug called ivermectin as veterinary medicine. Here’s the story how a Houston ENT doc made the FDA look like a horse’s derriere.

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Sorry Michigan, California Stole Your Auto Crown

Psst, don’t tell Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who is touring Taiwan and South Korea this week touting her state as the automotive capital of America. Whitmer is blissfully unaware that the most critical employees of Ford and GM are in California, where Rivian, BYD, and Tesla’s global engineering headquarters are located.

The future of the U.S. automotive industry will be determined in The Golden State.

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